Monday, November 17, 2014

The Chinese Imperial Examination

As we recently learned, the Han Dynasty began using an imperial examination to test Chinese subjects who wanted to become bureaucrats (government workers). The Tang and Song dynasties of China, which followed the Han, perfected the exam system. Like the Han examinations, the Tang and Song tests were based on the teachings of Confucius, and were technically open to every male Chinese subject. But what was it really like to take one of these exams? Let’s find out!

Your assignment: Using the links below, research the Chinese imperial examination during the Tang and Song dynasties. Imagining you are a young Chinese man who has just taken the imperial exam, write a 2 paragraph journal entry answering the following questions: Of what social class are you a member? What did you have to do and what was it like to prepare for the examinations? What was a typical exam day like? What was the test like? Be sure to include specific details in your journal entry! 
Please handwrite this assignment - we will be using it for a class discussion. 
The Confucian Classics: The Imperial Exam

The Poems of Po Chu-i (read the poems; do not answer the questions)

2000 Years of Examinations in China